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RIP: 当地オーストラリアフリーペーパー『日豪プレス誌』創業時より25年間にわたり『ケアンズ風物記/南緯17度』を寄稿されてきたDNBK Honorary Representative of Australia, Matsumoto Karate Academy, Cairns松空会主宰師範松本主計先生が御帰天されたこと謹んでお悔やみ申し上げます。空手道を通じ人望厚く人徳高い松本先生とは出稽古交流から松本道場そしてTanks Art Centreでの演奏・演武に御自宅でのビールを飲みながらの歓談と空手道を通じての交流に始まり熟練者が名を連ねる『大日本武徳会』への小生推薦の旨はじめ様々なご縁ご指導を頂き感謝致します。合掌

KSK International; Added 2new photos !

Event Information; Osuwa-Daiko International
Added 3new photos !! SYDNEY / Mar 3 @魚や Sakana-Ya, Crows Nest

*** シドニーでいただきますっ !***
日本酒、和食文化のブログ !!
Japanese Food Culture & Cuisine in Sydney
SYDNEY - Sake, Sushi, Sashimi & Ramen - Blog

Life style precinct it's my way it's life

Time after time... The meaning of Life

TATS' (Tatsuo Sekiguchi) Born and raised Nagano-prefecture, Japan.
He is from an ethnic Taiko group called the "OSUWA DAIKO" (御諏訪太鼓) in his hometown.
To him, Osuwa Daiko has probably the richest ethic, cultural & traditional resources, richer than any country in the world.
Find a potted version of Japanese-Traditions with TATS' footprints in the world with the peace of the world and peace of mind. One thing is for sure, as long as you do what you love to do with does it right reasons people will notice that time after time by himself the whole through the USA, CANADA, AUSTRALIA, New Zealand, Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, India and so on.
He just keeps on doing what He's doing...
Peace and sharing spiritual passion and sprit with everyone that likes to share it with him time to time sometimes...somewhere.